Sunday, December 30, 2007

Mat's email

Mat's email address is:

He has to go to the library to access the internet but wanted to be included here.

Thanks Becka. I sent him an invitation to join.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thanks, Jared!

Thanks for setting this up! Someday when I get some time (ha!) I'll add some stuff. We didn't even send a holiday letter this year.

We're just all keeping busy--me with work and piano lessons, and everyone else as students. Luckily, the three of them get a nice break for the season, which they are all using to do--surprise--homework! Alan just pulled a 4.0 semester, and is already preparing for the next one. Harrison did well too, and has a bit of time to pursue a few digital projects he's been planning, and recently read the last Harry Potter book in two days. Amanda completely aced her last math test (yeah!) and has had some fun at the neighborhood snow hills, doing physics tests for a school assignment, and sledding with her friends and brother too. She attended the girl's choice winter formal a couple weeks ago with the big teddy bear, Maple, that Jon gave her years ago as her date. (There was no one else she wanted to ask!) I'll try to post photos of her in her awesome D.I. dress later.

The snow kept us home on Christmas Eve (sorry Mom, Dad and Becca), but we enjoyed not going anywhere. We stayed home all day on Christmas too, reading, playing games, and eating. (Harrison and Amanda helped me make lasagna, two kinds of cookies, and pecan pie on Dec. 23.) It was a nice change of pace.

Anyway, hope you all have a happy holiday season!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Great Idea!

I was so excited to see the invite for this blog in my seldom checked email. I think that this can be a great way for all of us to keep in touch.

This was a great Christmas for us. James was so excited this season, counting down the days until Santa came. Both of the boys got spoiled this year but it was wonderful to see their joy on Christmas morning.

I got the best gift ever. Bryan bought me a snowblower so that when he has to go to work early I can clear the driveway and sidewalk with ease. The monster machine is big enough to be able to clear a parking lot. We have used it multiple times since Bryan brought it home on 12/7.

We were able to spend Christmas Eve with the Oakes' down in Lindon. It was great to spend time with them although the ride home in winter weather got a bit stressful as we neared home where we got a lot more snow and the freeway hadn't been plowed yet. Thankfully we all made it home safe and sound.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I can't wait to see your posts here.

Love you all.

Emma and Jake ready for church

One day right before Halloween we had Jake and Emma ready for church and noticed how cute they looked and had to take a picture of them.

Notice the family pictures on the table in the background. I don't know who it was that turned into Wolfman. :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Birthday!

I guess I have seen too many Christmas movies lately. When Frosty the Snowman first comes to life he announces to the world "Happy Birthday!". So I thought it fitting to announce our new family blog the same way. The blog address is (you probably know that already since you are here). This is where we can let the family know what is going on in our lives and upload pictures so everyone can enjoy them. Invitations to join the blog have been sent to most of the family and if I have missed anyone I will get one sent to them shortly. So start posting and let us know what is going on in y'all's world.